Recent Deals

4646 S Grady Ave, Tampa, 33611, FL

132 Beaverbrook Rd, Lincoln Park, 07035, NJ

900 West Coachman Avenue, Tampa, 33611 FL

420 S Ware Blvd, Tampa, 33619, FL

11 Daniel Rd, Fairfield, 07004 NJ

305 Mcguinness Blvd Brooklyn NY

33 clawson st piscataway nj

68 Richardson St Brooklyn NY

809 22nd st union city

523 canal street stamford ct

728 MArket Street Philadelphia PA

15 Simpson Rd Columbia NJ

17 Meadow Rd Rutherford, NJ

Seeking New Opportunities

We are actively seeking new acquisition opportunities for mission-critical, urban infill industrial outdoor storage properties in major markets throughout the United States.

To reach out with an investment opportunity, please email

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